Offering fun and informative Japanese cooking and/or food ingredient workshops deep in relation to our Japanese culture and tradition. Sign up for a class or make a request to have one at your choice of venue!
You may know of MISO since it can be said to be one of the most well-known Japanese fermented seasonings, but did you know they can be homemade very easily?? You can make MISO by simply mixing mashed soybeans, malt, and salt and letting it ferment. You will be surprised by how much it changes its taste while it ferments and ages!
The details of the lesson are as follows:+introduction of MISO (it’s history, its nutritional values and health benefits, sampling different types of MISO, classification etc)+how to consume other than MISO soups, ie marinade, dips etc …
Just as you have events and holidays unique to your home country, we have many seasonal events throughout the year, which are strongly associated with special food or dishes that are prepared for that particular day.This is a monthly course that focuses on cooking special dishes for each month’s Japanese event. Not only you will learn to cook the dishes, but you will also learn about our customs, and the history of our different events which are sure to make your life in Japan a more memorable, fun experience for you (and your family and friends)! You will be just …
It’s that time of the year again! The MISO making time! MISO is made with soy beans, rice malt and salt, which all can be found throughout the year and so, can be made anytime of the year, but it has been said from long ago that the best time to make MISO was January. Not only MISO, it is said that the water drawn at this time of the year is most suitable for making other preserves and food ingredients, such as soy sauce, SAKE, MOCHI etc etc. This is because the water at …
You may know of MISO, since it can be said to be one of the most well-known Japanese condiments, but did you know they can be homemade very easily?? You can make MISO by simply mixing soy beans, malt and salt and let it ferment and you will be surprised by how much it changes its taste depending on the difference in the amount of ingredients used as well as climatic conditions, and even during its fermentation/aging!
Lesson Details
Date: January 28th , 2022 (Fri)Time: 10 am to 1 pmPlace: Hiyoshi, Yokohama (details will be given by email after reservation)Fee: ¥5,000 (tax …
Currently preparing for online cooking lessons.
You can buy all the necessary ingredients here online and recreate the yummy dishes in your kitchen!
Participated in a Virtual Food Summit as a guest speaker. Happy Bellyfish is an online cooking school with instructors and participants from around the globe. From September 23rd to 26th, Happy Bellyfish hosted their first virtual food summit where chefs, farmers, herbalists, holistic nutritionist and doctors discussed about how food can support our health. On Day 2 at 10 pm Japan time, I offered a zoom seminar under the topic of traditional foods/remedies that are eaten in cold season in Japan, where I discussed about a specific recipe that is eaten on the day of TOJI …
Thank you all for joining the workshop! Hope you enjoyed : )
Currently closing all workshops/lessons until things go back to normal again. Looking forward to the day we can see each other again… Stay safe!
あなたは以下の問に、いくつ答えられますか??1お正月のおせち。重箱の一番下の段に入れるものは?2節分の時、鰯の頭やヒイラギを飾る理由は?3関東ではお赤飯を炊く時、小豆ではなく、ささげが好まれるのはなぜ?4胡麻和えと胡麻よごしの違いは?5年越しそばを食べる理由は?これらの答え 知っていましたか?意外と知りませんよね!そんな事、気にした事もなかったかも、、、、そう、私たちは意外と自国の事を知らないかも知れません。物心ついた時から「そういうもの」と思っていたから。改めて聞かれると??と言う事ばかりだったりします。しかしそこには先人の知恵や、私たち日本人の美意識、さり気ない心遣いが沢山散りばめられています。Wa + Sabi のお料理教室はそんな気付きを学べるレッスン。毎月の日本の行事をテーマにそれに関連した行事飯や旬の食材を使った献立を英語(所々、日本語)で学べちゃいます!そしてここで学んだ私たちの歴史、文化、美意識を出逢った外国人の方々にも是非シェアしてみて下さい♬(もちろん、日本人の方々にも)
「日々の生活にちょっとしたスパイスを」そんなコンセプトでWa + Sabi は運営されています。学んだ事を日常に活かし、あなたの生活にも、ちょこっとだけスパイスを足してみませんか?スタートは何月からでも、OK!好きな月だけでも、OK!12か月全て受講いただく頃には、きっと日本の見え方がガラリと変わっていると思います!是非、今まで知らなかった「日本」を発見しにいらして下さい。
*翌月分の行事について学びます。*私たちが畑で育てているお野菜を使う事もアリ♬ https://wasabiplus.com/veggie-field/
*NB: Online reservation and payment platform currently under construction
+JANUARY COOKING LESSON+You will learn to cook the following for our FEBRUARY event >>・SETSU BUN / Bean Throwing Event+EHO MAKI+ (Rolled Sushi)+IWASHI JIRU+ (Sardine ball miso soup)+GOMOKU MAME+ (Soy beans and vegetable simmered in DASHI broth and soy sauce)+Complementary snack, sweet or drink*NB: Menus are due to change depending on availability of ingredients
You will learn to cook the following for our FEBRUARY event >> ・SETSU BUN / Bean Throwing Event
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You will learn to cook the following for our …