Just as you have events and holidays unique to your home country, we have many seasonal events throughout the year, which are strongly associated wit…
Today is TSUKI-MI (AKA OTSUKIMI, JYUGOYA) , or the Moon Viewing Event. It is a Japanese festival celebrating the beauty of Autumn moon. The cel…
a Happy New Year!! Looking forward to a year filled with new discoveries and challenges, and off course, a safe and healthy one. We got too b…
Okay! Since we are Wa + Sabi, this would be a great topic to talk about today.Have you ever seen this before?? Do you know what this is??…
Wasabi leaves and flowers…pickled with soy sauce and rice malt.It’s tangy flavor adds a fresh kick to meat, seafood, sashimi, sushi, tofu…just everyt…
Today (Feb 2) is SETSU BUN, the last day of winter. SETSU BUN normally falls on the 3rd of February, but can be on the 2nd or 4th of February since …
Today is the “DAIKAN 大寒” (literal meaning “big cold”) on the Japanese calendar, the coldest day of the year. It is also known as the “AMA-ZAKE Day”…
Water dropwort, Sheperd's purse, Cudweed, Chickweed, Nipplewort, Turnip, Radish...Finally memorized the seven herbs of spring but am pretty sure I w…
Each country and culture have different values, appreciations and sense of beauty which makes them unique in its very own way. We too, have our very…